Sunday, April 11

My new guilty pleasure

Ok, well I was looking through on the style gallery for some new inspiration, and my eyes caught on to something I've come to known is very stellar.

It was the every-wonderful and delightful

I love that website, with passion. Its a chance for me to look at other people's styles and pull from them, I just adore what the people come up with. I'm enamor of fashion right now and I want to make a big fashion difference to most of the midnless zombies of Forge. And chictopia has done just that for me, I feel the defintion of inspired, I'm in total veneration of all the girls on there. Besides, I've been absorbed by the internet all break and I'll admit I've been going on line, mostly at F21, and I'm finding pieces on there that I just love.

I think, soon, I'll be going thrift shopping for the first time for some cute and out of this world pieces.

I'm just ready for my style to evolve because I've changed since entering High School. Though I'm stilling trying to find a place where I belong. I just want my style to be a part of me, and all of the characters of roles I take with will also inspire me. I don't want to be defined by the way I look, and want to be defined by the way I am.

Oh, well.

so Love & Style Blogs,

1 comment:

  1. Hiii!!!!! Thank you SO much for your comment :):).

    You sound like me two months ago! I started my blog/chictopia only two months and wowwwww. I was so hesitant about starting but after pulling outfit ideas and inspiration from other bloggers into a "Me" outfit and receiving such astounding feedback, I can't imagine NOT blogging now. Go for it! You have nothing to lose :). You'll find yourself changing and transforming in ways you didnt know you could. I feel so much more confident and so much MORE in love with clothes :).

    Love always,
