Wednesday, July 28

new things this week.1

I'm going to start a new thing every week, since I have a tendency to not post for weeks I'm going to give updates.

Number 1: I got my Driver's permit! First try and I completely passed the test, and I've slowly been practicing driving around empty school parking lots. More like practicing once a week.

Number 2: Went to my Aunt's baby shower. Marilia had a glow about her and the baby boy she was carrying, but didn't take any pictures because my camera's battery died and my mom forgot her own. I can't wait to have another baby to babysit and get a chance to earn money.

Number 3: I'm dog sitting this week, and she is the cutest puppy boxer in the world. However, she has so much energy I keep on having to go to bed early just to keep up with her.

Number 4: I've been watching more movies than working on finishing my last summer assignment. So that means a lot of Movie Muses posts to come. And I've also been trying to borrow or buy 500 Days of Summer and Pirate Raido to watch. However, from hat I've seen for clips is that they both look great.

Number 5: I've also been reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow because I've been addicted to the previews. Also picked up some classics to read; for instance To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Catcher in the Rye.
Number 6: I've also been doing some major shopping. So a lot more newer outfit posts to come, if I get around doing them.

Number 7: While walking my dog one afternoon I've discovered this small trail going into this little patch of woods that I'm going to go explore. Hopefully not alone; I plan on finding a friend go with me.

Number 8: A fellow blogger is having a giveaway. She is the main reason why I've started my own blog and to follower her in the beginning when she had just 27 followers and to see her go to 100 is pretty cool. It's like knowing someone before he or she was famous. Well Maggie of Lifesize Paperdoll is having a 5-dress giveaway and I hope you enter in it. I have no idea of how to post a cool link and my computer won't let me click the link-thingy-clicker-thing, but here is the url address to where you can enter: (known fact competition is actually good so enter!).

Well thats all the new things in my life; If there are any for you tell me.
So love & new things,


  1. AAwwww. You are the cutest thing ever. That just made my entire day!! You have no idea. Seriously. Thank you!! Seriously. So. Cute. You make me seem like a big deal, and I'm really just no one that cool ;) hahaha. Thank you so much! That picture of you is so cute:) I love the floral you're wearing.

    You're my favorite :)

  2. Congrats on the drivers permit! :)
